Hãy chuẩn bị sáu cái Lọ, két sắt hay tài khoản ngân hàng. Cho dù nó là cái gì cũng cần phải tách biệt, ta gọi là 6 cái quỹ tài chính. Mỗi khi có tiền (lương, thưởng, lợi nhuận bán hàng, hoặc bất kể nguồn thu nhập nào) hãy chia khoản tiền này vào ngay 6 cái lọ. Việc này cần làm ngay, tạo thành thói quen.
1. Quỹ tự do tài chính - FFA: 10%
Tự do tài chính là khi bạn sống một cuộc sống như bạn mong muốn mà không nhất thiết phải làm việc hay phụ thuộc tài chính vào người khác. Bạn cần lập quỹ FFA để có tiền làm việc thay cho bạn. Bằng cách này, bạn đã tạo ra “con ngỗng” đẻ trứng vàng để bạn sử dụng khi không còn làm việc. Bạn chỉ được dùng quỹ này để đầu tư và tạo ra thu nhập thụ động. Càng nhiều tiền làm việc cho bạn, bạn sẽ càng ít phải làm việc hơn.
Xin lưu ý: không bao giờ được ăn thịt con ngỗng!
2. Tiết kiệm dài hạn - LTSS: 10%
Bạn cần quỹ LTS vì điều quan trọng không phải là bạn kiếm được bao nhiêu mà là bạn giữ được bao nhiêu. Bạn sử dụng quỹ cho những mục tiêu lâu dài, thực hiện những ước mơ của bạn.
3. Giáo dục đào tạo - EDUC: 10%
Bạn cần quỹ EDUC để rèn luyện phát triển bản thân mỗi ngày. Đầu tư tốt nhất là đầu tư vào việc học; “tầm vóc” của bạn càng lớn, bạn càng hấp dẫn được những thứ lớn, cho dù đó là tiền tài, danh vọng hay hạnh phúc. Bạn dùng quỹ EDUC để mua sách, đọc sách phát triển bản thân mỗi ngày; tham gia các khóa học, đào tạo, diễn thuyết; hay gặp gỡ, giao lưu để học hỏi từ những những người thành công.
4. Nhu cầu thiết yếu - NEC: 55%
Quỹ NEC giúp bạn đảm bảo nhu cầu thiết yếu hằng ngày của cuộc sống. Bạn dùng quỹ NEC để ăn uống, sinh hoạt; vui chơi, giải trí, mua sắm và các chi phí khác.
Xin lưu ý: Nếu hiện tại quỹ NEC của bạn ở mức trên 80% thu nhập, bạn cần tăng cường thêm nguồn thu nhập hay cắt giảm chi phí để đạt được tự do tài chính.
5. Hưởng thụ - PLAY: 10%
Quỹ PLAY để bạn chăm sóc cái tôi hưởng thụ của bản thân. Quỹ này giúp bạn thể hiện sự yêu quý bản thân; hưởng cảm giác của người thành công; làm những việc như người giàu và tăng cường khả năng đón nhận. Bạn sử dụng quỹ PLAY để làm những việc khiến cho bạn có cảm giác như người giàu: đến những nơi chưa từng đến, ăn những món chưa từng ăn. Mỗi tháng, vào ngày cuối cùng của tháng, bạn phải tiêu hết số tiền trong quỹ này.
6. Cho đi - GIVE: 5%
Quỹ GIVE để giúp bạn thể hiện lòng biết ơn cuộc sống. Cuộc sống còn là sẻ chia, bạn cho đi để nhận lại nhiều hơn. Bạn dùng quỹ GIVE để làm từ thiện; giúp đỡ người thân; gia đình, bè bạn.
Các chú ý:
1. Vấn đề cho tiền vào các lọ này cần được thực hiện hàng ngày, tôi nói là HÀNG NGÀY. Nếu bạn làm hàng ngày nhưng số tiền chỉ tăng vào mỗi cuối tháng, tức là bạn đang chỉ làm công, ăn lương. Hãy tìm kiếm thêm các nguồn thu nhập thụ động khác để bổ sung nguồn thu của mình mỗi ngày.
2. Quỹ Hưởng thụ PLAY cần được tiêu dùng liên tục, nó phải hết vào mỗi cuối tháng. Nếu nó thừa tiền, bạn cần cân bằng lại cuộc sống của mình bằng cách nghĩ tới việc chăm sóc cho bản thân mình, nếu nó thiếu, bạn cần tập trung cho việc kiếm tiền của mình.
3. Quỹ tự do tài chính FFA, bạn không bao giờ được tiêu tiền trong quỹ này, chỉ dùng nó để đầu tư tạo ra thu nhập thụ động.
6 Jars to Financial Freedom by Laura Poole
A few years ago, I was in deep financial trouble. I love to buy things! Buy buy buy! I didn’t like to save. I got in quite a lot of credit card debt, and I couldn’t seem to really get out of it. I am not good at budgeting, and I figured “why bother?” since I didn’t have any money to budget. Then, I took advantage of an interesting opportunity. I heard about a seminar called the Millionaire Mind Intensive, based on a book called Secrets of the Millionaire Mind(www.millionairemind.com), by T. Harv Eker. If you bought the book, the seminar was free. I figured what the hey? I was swimming in debt, couldn’t see a way out, and I was ready to change my mind to change my money. Not only was it an amazing weekend full of personal breakthroughs, I learned a really simple way to manage my money, even though I thought I didn’t have any to manage!
The trainers taught us the following money management technique. I started with actual jars so that I could see the money growing as I sorted it. A key: as you put money in the jar, you say “cha-CHING!” to celebrate it. Here is how the system works.
For every dollar you earn after taxes, you sort it in the following six “jars” (or bank accounts), labeled as follows:
NEC (Necessary): 55% of each dollar. This is for all your fixed and necessary expenses: house payment or rent, car payments, utilities, necessary clothing and haircuts, gas, food, medical, and so on.
FFA (Financial Freedom Account): 10%. This is your nest egg. You never spend this, you only invest it, and keep it growing. Eventually, the goal is to have the nest egg large enough that you can pay for all your fixed expenses from the interest, thus creating your financial freedom.
LTSS (Long-Term Savings for Spending): 10%. This is your long-term savings for big-ticket items like new cars, fancy vacations, big TVs, or any large purchases coming up. You do spend this from time to time, not just hoard it.
EDU (Education): 10%. Always keep growing. Learn constantly. Invest in yourself and it will never be wasted. Educational opportunities can come near and far–from financial seminars to cooking classes to college degrees and sewing lessons!
PLAY: 10%. My favorite jar! The Play jar must be spent every month! Splurge–spend it on things you normally wouldn’t, like a dinner at a four-star restaurant or a spa treatment. At most, save it for 3 months before spending it on something fun.
GIVE (Charity): 5%. Always give back, and give time as well as money.
You can make adjustments to the percentages, such as taking your Necessary funds down to 35% of your income (if you’re able to cover your necessary expenses with that amount) and then redistributing the extra 20% to other funds. It takes discipline. You will definitely see results if you start with dollars in jars.
When I returned from the seminar, I started with the jars right away, and they served me extremely well. Using this system taught me that I didn’t have to deny myself entirely to save money. At last, I found a money management technique that let me spend–and even splurge!–and still allowed me to save substantial amounts and cover my expenses. Once I got a home equity loan to pay off my credit cards, the fixed payment for that came from my necessary fund, and I was able to use cash in hand to pay for the things I want beyond that. My debt is very seriously reduced now (not entirely gone, but soon).

In my journey with this system, I put the 55% for Necessary funds right into my checking account, and got out cash for the other five jars, which I had at home. After only a few months I was able to open a high-interest savings account with my Financial Freedom funds. I put aside a nice piece of change in my Long-Term Savings for Spending that went into some home repairs. I got some amazing spa treatments and massages with my Play money! Most fun of all: I took the Charity money to an art auction fundraiser and got a beautiful piece of art!
Like to spend money? This system will allow you to spend and save. Tend to save money or hoard it? This system will give you permission and teach you how to spend some, so that you can get used to that “high life” you are seeking! Good money management allows you to do both, within your means.
Try the jar system and see what happens for you–how your money grows, how your attitude toward spending and saving shift, and what the results are. You can adapt it to teach your kids, too, so that they learn excellent money management from a young age.

Laura Poole is a certified professional life coach and founder of Archer Coaching. She works with professionals who want to create a life of joy and meaning. She lives in Durham, NC.
What is the money jar system?
In a nutshell, the money jar system is a money management system that focuses on building wealth and personal growth. This system is also designed to create a habit so building wealth becomes easy. With this system, you place your money into 6 jars (or accounts). Here’s a few images on how the system can be set up:

Here’s how the money is divided:
Financial Freedom Account (FFA – 10%) - This is your wealth building account. Also know as your “golden goose” This follows the “pay yourself first” financial principle. The money that you put into this jar is used for investments and building your passive income streams. You never spend this money. The only time you would spend this money is once you become financially free. Even then you would only spend the returns on your investment. Never spend the principal.
Long Term Savings For Spending (LTSS – 10%) - This is the money that you put aside for big purchases like cars, vacations, etc. This account can also be used as an emergency fund.
Education (EDUC – 10%) - This is basically your personal development account. This money is used to buy books, CDs, attend seminars and events. When you grow, your money grows!
Necessities (NEC – 50%) - This is for your everyday expenses like gas, rent, utilities, etc. This is the money that you use to “survive” on.
Play (10%) – This is the money that you have fun with. In the book, T. Harv Ekerrecommends that you spend this money on luxurious things. This is designed to bring balance to you finances so you will be increasing your wealth and having fun at the same time. You can go shopping or even eat at a nice restaurant. It is highly recommended that you spend this money every month!
Give (10%) - This money is for giving to others, tithing and donations. Giving is a critical financial principle to your success.
How to setup and implement T. Harv Eker’s Money Jar System
There’s two different ways that you can setup the money jar system.
1. Buy 6 jars and label them accordingly
This is the old school method of saving. Just get some jars and label them. Once your money comes in, just distribute it accordingly.
2. Setup 6 bank accounts
This is the modern method. You can setup 6 accounts with a bank like Capital One 360. This is great because you can name each account. I do recommend that your Necessities account be your checking account since it is the account that you most likely will pay your bills from. The other 5 accounts can be just standard savings accounts.
Source: https://steemit.com/financial/@cleofedz/budgeting-tips-base-from-t-harv-eker-s-money-jar-system
Here’s a diagram on how you can set it up:
Things to remember about T. Harv Eker’s Money Jar System
The percentages are not critical especially when starting out. To guarantee your financial success, just start using the system and build the habit. This is the key. It doesn’t have to be perfect when you start.
You could even start by splitting $10 every month into the jars. There’s an inspiring story in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. One woman started splitting $1 into the jars every month. In her first month, she put 10 cents into her PLAY, 10 cents into her FFA, 10 cents into her LTSS, and so on. Later that month she used her play money to buy a piece of bumble gum. She received a mini comic with the bubble gum package that she bought with her play. She read the comic and got a laugh. Two years later she deposited a $10,000 dollar check into her FFA account. Now who’s laughing?
I highly recommend T. Harv Eker’s Money Jar system to anyone who wants to obtain financial freedom. If you enjoyed this post, please share, like and comment this post!
Source: https://enetcalifornia.wordpress.com/2014/05/01/a-easy-way-to-budget-your-money/
In a nutshell, the money jar system is a money management system that focuses on building wealth and personal growth. This system is also designed to create a habit so building wealth becomes easy. With this system, you place your money into 6 jars (or accounts). Here’s a few images on how the system can be set up:

Here’s how the money is divided:
Financial Freedom Account (FFA – 10%) - This is your wealth building account. Also know as your “golden goose” This follows the “pay yourself first” financial principle. The money that you put into this jar is used for investments and building your passive income streams. You never spend this money. The only time you would spend this money is once you become financially free. Even then you would only spend the returns on your investment. Never spend the principal.
Long Term Savings For Spending (LTSS – 10%) - This is the money that you put aside for big purchases like cars, vacations, etc. This account can also be used as an emergency fund.
Education (EDUC – 10%) - This is basically your personal development account. This money is used to buy books, CDs, attend seminars and events. When you grow, your money grows!
Necessities (NEC – 50%) - This is for your everyday expenses like gas, rent, utilities, etc. This is the money that you use to “survive” on.
Play (10%) – This is the money that you have fun with. In the book, T. Harv Ekerrecommends that you spend this money on luxurious things. This is designed to bring balance to you finances so you will be increasing your wealth and having fun at the same time. You can go shopping or even eat at a nice restaurant. It is highly recommended that you spend this money every month!
Give (10%) - This money is for giving to others, tithing and donations. Giving is a critical financial principle to your success.
How to setup and implement T. Harv Eker’s Money Jar System
There’s two different ways that you can setup the money jar system.
1. Buy 6 jars and label them accordingly
This is the old school method of saving. Just get some jars and label them. Once your money comes in, just distribute it accordingly.
2. Setup 6 bank accounts
This is the modern method. You can setup 6 accounts with a bank like Capital One 360. This is great because you can name each account. I do recommend that your Necessities account be your checking account since it is the account that you most likely will pay your bills from. The other 5 accounts can be just standard savings accounts.
Source: https://steemit.com/financial/@cleofedz/budgeting-tips-base-from-t-harv-eker-s-money-jar-system
Here’s a diagram on how you can set it up:
Things to remember about T. Harv Eker’s Money Jar System
The percentages are not critical especially when starting out. To guarantee your financial success, just start using the system and build the habit. This is the key. It doesn’t have to be perfect when you start.
You could even start by splitting $10 every month into the jars. There’s an inspiring story in Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. One woman started splitting $1 into the jars every month. In her first month, she put 10 cents into her PLAY, 10 cents into her FFA, 10 cents into her LTSS, and so on. Later that month she used her play money to buy a piece of bumble gum. She received a mini comic with the bubble gum package that she bought with her play. She read the comic and got a laugh. Two years later she deposited a $10,000 dollar check into her FFA account. Now who’s laughing?
I highly recommend T. Harv Eker’s Money Jar system to anyone who wants to obtain financial freedom. If you enjoyed this post, please share, like and comment this post!
Source: https://enetcalifornia.wordpress.com/2014/05/01/a-easy-way-to-budget-your-money/
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